Thursday, November 26, 2009

Ever Hear of Dynamic Scale Moding

I knew that someone had to be doing this sort of thing, but I was glad to see that there is a company that is selling the audio, lights and electronics to make you own.

What is Dynamic Modeling: It is the addition of gun flash lights, and audio recordings of guns , as well as flying sounds.

This is advance modeling, but this takes your scale model to the proverbial next level.

Like any of my post it best just to look at the site,here: Dynamic Scale Modeling

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Fighter tactics Website, with many Illustration

Fighter tactics

I found this site after look at a not complete list of fighter tactical moves on Wiki-pedia, that site has the basic but it could use work. If anyone the the will, it would be great to have some editors add to this page listing, search air maneuvers.